Portraits are from photos at the moment. I can help you choose a photo that will work well for a portrait and you can find some guidelines below.
Prices start at £250 for an 8”x10” unframed oil painting of one person. Discount of 10% for more than one family member (except where other offers are used). Please check with me for offers.
We start off with a chat about what you are looking for, when you need the portrait for, and about the person to be painted. This really helps me, especially when I am working from photos. Then we can select a photo together that will work well for a portrait. I can send you photos of initial sketches and then you will have the chance to see photos of the completed painting in case there are changes that you would like made. Timing is around 1 month from having chosen a photo to receiving your painting.
Choosing a photo
Photos need to be high resolution, so ideally a camera instead of a phone and the photo should be of head and shoulders - don’t worry about the background.
For children, it can work well to take a photo when the child is busy and engaged with something or someone, rather than thinking about the camera.
Facing slightly to the side can give an interesting portrait - it doesn’t have to be a photo facing the camera.
Light is really important. Aim for natural daylight, out of direct sunlight (to avoid strong light and shadows).
If you are near me, it may be possible for me to bring my camera to take some (socially distanced!) photos.